Moraine Trails Council Presents the 2022 Fall Family Festival! Join us at Camp Bucoco October 15th from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM for a variety of activities:

Admission Fees
Admission costs are $15 per individual. To assist cost for families of 4 or more paid attendees, a group rate is offered at a cost of $45. This rate will include any family member in attendance with your Scout.
New Scouts Attend Fall Family Camp for FREE
Any New Scout who registers in the month of September, 2022, will receive free entry to the Fall Family Fair! During registration, be sure that you have “Free Cub Scout” selected. This status does not apply to other family members – any additional attendees will be charged an entry fee.
Wild Word of Animals Saturday Night!

Join us for the closing event this year: The Wild World of Animals!
Camping Availability

On-site camping is available at a discounted rate, Friday October 14th through the 16th! Camp at one of our designated sites at Camp Bucoco for a rate of $25 per site, or reserve a cabin for $50. Campsites are intended for pack use, so be sure to bring your buddy!
Contact Cindy in the Scout Shop at 724-287-6791 ext. 2. All sites are on a first come, first serve basis.
Free camping available on the parade field, but space is limited!
For any questions, contact Amy Kamis
Email: Amy.Kamis@scouting.org
Phone: (724) 996-7645