New to Scouting? Need some help? We have your back! The Annual Popcorn Sale has been active for over 30 years, and is still the number one method for your pack or troop to fundraise. Proceeds from this fundraiser can be used to pay for your unit’s dues, supply your Scouts with gear or uniforms, or even fund trips!
Over time, there have been tried and true practices that ensure a successful popcorn sale. Be sure to communicate within your unit to ensure that each Scout has an opportunity to participate, feel included, and more importantly, have fun!

Some Frequently Asked Questions:
Where do I get popcorn?
Glad you asked! Our official supplier is Trail’s End, which has its own app and ordering software to streamline your ordering process. Your current leader should have an understanding of how the software works, and how best to implement it for your unit.
How much should I start with?
We have included a starter order in our popcorn information this year. This can be modified to fit your area’s needs, but does outline some of the more popular items and helps understand the quantities. This start order can be found HERE.
Where can I sell popcorn?
Chances are, your unit may already have an area established where they sell year to year. This could be a shopping center where a table is set up and manned by Scouts throughout the day, or it could be your Scouts participating in a wagon sale throughout your neighborhood.

Get Motivated!
Getting Scouts interested and keeping them motivated is its own challenge. We have a few suggestions to help keep excitement high!
- Set Goals! Setting a monetary goal for your Scout can help give a visual of what they are working towards.
- Adopt a Theme! Some units have chosen to use themes in the past to encourage their members to earn accomplishments. Some examples used have been a Marvel Theme where each monetary value is a different hero, or a Dinosaur Theme with rewards along the way. Choose what your unit is interested in and make it fun!
- Give the Scouts a chance to run their own business! This is the perfect opportunity for Scouts to learn social skills, decision making, and manners. Give each Scout the option to give their input on how the money will be spent, or what they want to take with them during a Show ‘n Sell. Let them introduce themselves and their cause, and allow them to learn business sense over time.
- Sell Scouting! Our product isn’t popcorn, it’s Scouting!