Moraine Trails Council strives to offer our Scouts the chance to raise funds for the many activities and adventures they have planned throughout the year. The Spring Nut Sale is our newest annual fundraiser in which units can sell nut products from Whitley’s Peanut Company. For units that prefer to fundraise in the spring or that are interested in an additional opportunity to raise funds for their unit and council programs, the Spring Nut Sale is for you!
Check out this year’s product line up and prices
Getting Started
There will be an online registration opening on February 22 for units looking to participate. Units that register online can also order paper sales pamphlets to give to their scouts. Pamphlets will be mailed out to all registered units on March 1st. If your unit is not registered by this date you can still register online until the final day of the sale and request pamphlets to be sent out or come to the Snyder Service Center (Scout Office) during operating hours to pick them up.
How it works
For any veterans of the annual Popcorn Fundraiser this sale will be very familiar as it is essentially identical with the Take-order phase of the popcorn sale. Each scout in a participating unit will be given a paper pamphlet to take orders from around their communities. The Scouts will then turn their pamphlets into their unit fundraiser contact to combine the orders onto a unit order spreadsheet. The unit spreadsheets must be emailed to caelan.hinterlang@scouting.org by 5:00pm on Friday, April 19.
Unit Order Distribution will take place on May 9 at the Snyder Service Center from 4:00pm – 6:00pm.
At the end of the sale, units will owe an amount equal to 60% of their total retail sail. If units track their order with the provided order spreadsheet, the total owed to Council will show at the bottom.
All unit payments are to be sent in to Council by Friday, May 31. Any late payments will accrue an additional $50 charge for every 7 days the payment is not turned in.